
Planning around three major themes?of high-tech industry, modern life,?research and education, build an?innovative industrial production and?service platform to assist the industrial?transformation and upgrading. By?tapping the potential of the core?project within the site, a series of?fragmented constructed lands will be?connected to establish a system?network. By filling the blank space of?built area, resources can be shared?and complemented by relying on core?projects. Conduct assessment of the?existing situation in industrial areas?and implement reservations, upgrades,?and transformations. Adjust the?original planned road and expand the?land use value, in order to maximize?the value of waterfront space. Through?creating public service facilities such?as waterfront landscapes, landmark?buildings, and distinctive cultural?buildings, the urban image with?cultural charm will be created. To?introduce a central pedestrian walkway?in the core area, forming golden?greenways and golden waterways to?enhance the value and attractiveness?of the surrounding land. In the slow?
movement part, various functional?plots are connected in series through?the landscape loop, and from this?creating multiple green corridors thats?conncet to surrounding. In terms of?transportation, TOD-oriented urban?development model is adopted, and?high-intensity development is carried?out around the light rail stations, and?all-round development is driven by?points.

Location: Zhangjiagang, China
Assignment type: Competition
Design Phases: Overall conceptual urban planning, core area detailed urban design
Type of project: City Extension
Project duration: 2016
Area: 12000000 m2